Trimming the Fig Tree 2022

The Annual Trimming was held on the Summer Solstice, 22 Dec 2022. An inspection of the fig tree’s annual growth showed no loss of vigour since last year’s pruning. It was decided to cut below some of the main junctions this year to force regrowth from lower down the fig’s stems. All stems causing pressure… Continue reading Trimming the Fig Tree 2022

Trimming the Fig Tree 2021

An energetic and enthusiastic crew attended our first effort to trim the Boiler Fig. The event was held, by custom, on the Summer Solstice (21 Dec 2021). ——————— The Annual Story of Trimming the Tree The pioneers thought there would never be an end to the timber, but by the 1980’s it was clear that… Continue reading Trimming the Fig Tree 2021

Launch of the project

Download a print-ready report of the Launch Remarks offered by Mayor Angela Toppin Representatives of the Mt Molloy Boiler Block Benefit Committee, George and Margo Chapman, Representatives of JAMMARR. Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, Good morning I would like to start today by acknowledging the Traditional Owners of the land on which we gather… Continue reading Launch of the project

Info session number 1

We had a good turn-out of the members and a couple of new folk show up for a round-table discussion. Logo is looking good. Signage concept floated and received well.  Download flyer