About us

The Boiler Block committee aims to clean up and maintain the heritage-listed remains of the JM Johnston Sawmill in Mount Molloy, far north Queensland.


The surrounding site could become a multi-function asset for the community.


The theme for this project is “Supporting village-scale self-sufficiency.” Workshops and outdoor demonstrations can help people share ideas and skills that improve our collective capacity for resilience and innovation.


Membership fees are $20/year.
  • Receive first notice of what’s happening at the Boiler Block.
  • Be listed as a member and supporter.
  • Have your say in the affairs of the committee.


Association officers elected 28 Nov 2023

  • President – John Brisbin
  • Secretary – Sue Northey
  • Treasurer – Simon Hawse


We are an incorporated not-for-profit Association (Registered 15/10/2020).

  • ABN: 64100544979
  • Postal: POB 248, Mount Molloy 4871 Queensland
  • Lat/Lon: -16.67615 / 145.33001